Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you now because you would not be able to live them.
And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now.
Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”
– Rainer Maria Rilke
This is one of my favorite quotes – it carried me through two decades as I learned to befriend my own questions.
Are you in a similar process, learning to befriend and ask the questions deep inside you?
How do you care for the unknown parts of you that are desperately seeking love, attention, and yearn to be known?
I believe how we grew up deeply impacts our style of relating to ourselves and the world around us. Yet, the impacts are usually unknown to us, subtle, and may even seem ‘normal.’ Many parts of ourselves are deeply hidden in our unconscious, begging to be known, released and healed.
Where do we start? By learning to hear the questions and loving them well.

I believe we all have trauma. Some of us may have lower case “t” trauma, and others of us may have upper case “T” Trauma. But we all have parts of ourselves that we dismissed or denied based on a need to survive.
The impact of trauma is fragmentation on our brain – parts of our brain can no longer talk with other parts. The result: we are disconnected from our true, authentic selves.
My hope in working with clients in a therapeutic setting is that our work together leads them back to themselves – to a place where those fragmented and lost parts become integrated.
Healing doesn’t mean we won’t feel pain, loss, or discomfort ever again. It means that when we do, it won’t turn our world upside down.
We’ll know how to feel the feelings, process them, care for them. And in caring for them, once they feel seen and heard, they go on their way.
Integrating the fragmented parts of ourselves leads to healing (not the other way around) – in doing so, we become more connected and comfortable with ourselves and the world around us, not less.
If you have felt that something has been missing in your relationships, if you have sensed that gentle invitation nudging you in the direction to ask questions and listen deeper, you’re in the right place. I’d love to join you on your healing journey.
I’m a licensed mental health counselor in the state of Washington. I see WA state clients virtually for traditional talk therapy in a weekly format or in person through an intensive format for both traditional talk therapy or equine-assisted psychotherapy. Please see “Therapy Options” below for more information.

Who you are / Who I work with:
- CURIOUS: You are curious about yourself and why you are the way you are, why you do certain things, and why you have certain patterns in your relationships.
- OBSERVANT (or want to be): You’ve noticed that you have patterns in your relationships. You keep dating the same guy (or gal), but with a different name. Your friends have a certain familiarity to them and repeat cycles.
- RESPONSIBLE: You are very responsible, sometimes overly so.
- SELF-REFLECTION: You have the capacity for self-reflection around this and other topics.
- DESIRE TO KNOW YOURSELF: You desire to know yourself better, to be able to hold onto yourself in relationships (i.e., not feel like you lose yourself, not feel chaotic, desire to no longer people please in relationships).
- AUTHENTIC: You desire to be more authentic and vulnerable in relationships, you’re just not sure what that means yet.
- INTIMACY: You long to experience more intimacy – verbally, emotionally, sexually, intellectually, spiritually and financially.
- DESIRE CONNECTION: You want to deepen and strengthen your ability to be in intimate, attuned and connected relationships.
All ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identifications, and faith orientations are welcome.
You’re tired of not understanding conflict and want some resolution
All of the above “Who you are” can be whittled down to an area of conflict – internally or with others. There is much intimacy in conflict, if conflict is handled well.
How can we possibly handle conflict well? If this is a question you’ve asked yourself, you’re in the right place.
I love working with adult individuals and couples who strive to learn how to have healthy and honest communication, have a better understanding of why they are the way they are, and yearn to have healthier relationships and navigate conflict with more ease.
Relationships will always be hard, but when we understand ourselves and our loved ones more fully, when we know how to communicate, relationships are easier, even in the difficult seasons.
There is so much intimacy to be gained when conflict is handled with care and curiosity.
If this sounds like something you’re looking for, let’s dive in!

My Specialties
I use an individual approach that helps identify your specific needs and desires. I do not use a one-size-fits-all approach because each of us are unique and our needs in healing and growing are also unique. Together, you and I will co-create a therapy plan that is customized to your individual needs.
Relationship conflict
How we communicate our feelings and concerns is equally (if not more) important than what we say (i.e., our concern).
Do we know how to metabolize, to process our emotions and concerns in a way that teaches us the heart of what is going on for us, helping us identify what is our responsibility to care for versus what we need to ask our partner or loved one for help with?
Learning this valuable skill is crucial to the success of relationships. The good news is, it is a skill and it is learnable!
I have had to learn to communicate, so when I join you in the journey, there is no judgment, but deep compassion.
What we say to ourselves about our selves matters. Same for the people we are in relationship with.
Anxiety & depression
Anxiety and depression can be a result of our nervous system being dysregulated. Once we learn why we have become dysregulated and begin to care for our nervous system in the way it needs to feel safe again, our anxiety & depression feels cared for and often will go away. Learning the science behind what’s happening in our bodies is crucial to helping the anxiety decrease.
Financial conflict resolution
As a former licensed financial adviser with a CPA background, I’ve worked with individuals and couples for over 20 years around finances.
The emotional side of finances:
- How do I engage (or avoid) my finances?
- Why do I constantly feel there’s not enough?
- Am I consistently overspending? If so, what’s that about?
- What am I wanting or needing from money that may be about my story, my past, and perhaps my trauma?
- Do I find my worth in the car I drive or the house I own?
- Do I need things to feel accomplished and successful?
- Is there a void I am trying to fill by making purchases?
- Why do my partner/spouse and I always fight around money? I feel like we have the same argument over and over.
And the logistics and organization of finances:
- How organized are they?
- How on track am I?
- Do I live within my means? If not, why not and how can I get to where I want to be?
- Am I constantly living in a place of chaos with money?
- Do I never know how much I have or where all my money is?
I believe we’ve all experienced trauma — either capital case “T” trauma or lower case “t” trauma. Either way, the question becomes how has my trauma impacted me? Impacted the way I see the world around me and what I believe about the world and people?
Understanding how trauma impacts the brain helps us to understand ourselves and grow compassion for why we do what we do. It is the gateway to allowing us to make real change and heal.
Couples and marriage counseling
We are hardwired for connection. Yet, relationships can be the source of pain and anguish. Marriage is the intersection of this complexity. Your partner will never meet all of your needs. But how do we help cultivate a relationship where our communication and conflict grow our intimacy with the other, instead of creating distance?
Marriage is an environment where a lot of our unhealed past gets unconsciously placed as it is trying to heal. If we are unaware of this fact, it can create chaos in our marriage.
It is possible to have a relationship where we are each other’s allies on our healing journeys.
Grief therapy
Ever experienced loss? Loss of relationship, a loved one, a job you loved, a home, dear pet? This world is riddled with loss. How do you care for and engage your grief? Does it have a hold on you that you can’t seem to get out of?
I have walked in my own grief for decades and still find myself learning new things about it and about myself. Learning how to love and engage grief helps it to have less of a hold on us and have more of a companion that occasionally visits.
Adult children of a narcissistic parent/ in a relationship with a narcissist
If you have found yourself in a relationship with a narcissist, there is an impact on you.
Learning to navigate the relationship, as well as heal from the impact, is very important.
Impact versus intent – narcissists don’t always desire to impact those around them negatively, but often, their lack of ability to acknowledge another (another’s emotions, presence, differing opinion, etc), can be very hurtful.
Workplace executives
Because of my corporate background, I’ve worked with and engaged executives for over twenty-five years and have repeatedly witnessed that a way of being at work that creates “success” can destroy a marriage or home life.
If you find yourself in this boat, you’re in the right place. Let’s connect.
Understanding of self
If you feel this small whisper tugging at you, aching to understand more about yourself, listen to it. Usually, our first families (the ones we grew up in), can have an effect on how we operate in the world as an adult.
We can often find ourselves people-pleasing, even though we know we don’t want to. Or not knowing our own opinion when someone asks us a question. It can be infuriating to not know who we are.
If you find yourself questioning why you do what you do, understanding your story (where you came from and how that’s impacted you) can be so helpful and healing.
It allows us to operate in the world from a conscious choice instead of an unconscious belief system.
Learning who our most authentic self is is an incredible act of love.
Parental coaching
Have a teenager you love to bits, but don’t understand? Are they driving you crazy because you feel you’ve done everything you can to help them and it just doesn’t seem to make a difference?
I’ve worked with countless teenagers and have ended up doing tons of parenting support sessions. If you would like some coaching on how best to engage your kiddo/teenager, please know that I’d be happy to help.
We’ll approach our time together, in part, by learning about the developing mind and what your child may be needing from a psychological, emotional, and developing brain perspective.
Life is hard. Engaging life is harder. The fact that you are on this website and looking for help is a huge act of courage and bravery. I hope you celebrate being here and how far you’ve come to do so.
The next step is connecting for a free 15-minute video discovery call. If it’s a good fit, I will walk with you, holding space for your process and ensuring we go at the pace that’s right for you.
Therapy Options
Online therapy
Currently, I am doing online therapy for in-state Washington residents only. Online therapy is great as you:
- Get to do therapy from the comfort of your own home
- Schedule therapy at any time that fits your schedule
- Don’t have to commute
- Get to be in comfy clothes
- Have therapy anywhere there’s a cell phone or wifi connection and that’s private (including the privacy of your own car, if need be!)
You’ll need a stable wi-fi connection, headphones, computer or cell phone with a camera, and privacy.
In-person therapy
Available through intensive formats only. This is a great option for out-of-state residents who can travel to Washington state for a week while we work together. If you are interested in a week-long intensive, please email me and I can put you on the waitlist.
Equine-assisted psychotherapy
Equine-assisted psychotherapy is currently being offered in an intensive format only. If you interested in this format, contact me and I can put you on the wait list.

Frequently Asked Questions & Rates
Questions about therapy and
whether we’re a good fit
What if I’m not sure we’re a good fit?
Before scheduling a therapy session, I offer a free 15-minute video discovery call with all potential clients. This gives us a chance to get to know each other without the pressure of a full session commitment 0f both time and money.
During the consult:
- You’ll have an opportunity to share more about why you’re seeking therapy
- You can ask me any questions you might have
- I’ll share with you my lens as a therapist and what to expect from our work together
- We’ll talk logistics, including scheduling and availability
How do I know if a therapist is a good fit for me?
I recommend that if we both feel it’s potentially a good fit after the discovery call, we schedule three weekly sessions. My clients have often shared with me that the first two sessions they were so nervous they couldn’t feel present enough to know how they felt about the therapy. But by the third session their nervous system was calm enough to make an educated and informed decision.
During the third session, my clients and I decide whether we want to continue working together, and if so, we create a road map for what that work may include.
If we’re a good fit, what’s next?
If we both decide we’re a good fit after our discovery call, we’ll:
- Schedule our first session and find a spot on the calendar that works for you weekly.
- I’ll email you a few disclosure forms that need to be completed electronically (they only take a few minutes) before our first session.
What outcomes can I expect from therapy?
Ever feel like you’re in a constant drama sitcom? Does it always feel chaotic in your internal world? Ever ache to have a moment of internal groundedness but not sure how to get there?
Ever felt like you are spinning mentally in an attempt to understand yourself and why you do what you do? Or trying to understand another – a conversation or why someone ghosted you or said what they said?
- From feeling chaotic to feeling grounded.
- From confused to understanding.
- From stuck to unstuck.
- From feeling lost to found.
You make sense – all of you. We must learn to understand what happened to us and how our bodies reacted. How did our body learn to survive and, in so doing, acquire a defense strategy that, once helpful for survival, is now problematic and getting in the way of deeper intimacy and connection?
How often will we meet?
Most of my clients and I have weekly sessions — this is where we see the most consistent growth. Weekly sessions is how I recommend we start; however, at some point we might mutually agree that every-other-week sessions will suffice. That is a decision we will come to together.
The goal of meeting is to help accomplish your healing and make you feel better. I have noticed that meeting monthly or every three weeks does not accomplish these goals. Therefore, out of respect for your time and finances, I only meet weekly or every other week with clients as that is the most effective for change, growth and healing.
What’s the first therapy session like?
The first session is a little longer, which gives us a chance to settle into getting to know each other. It’s called an in-take session. That means you have an opportunity to share with me what you feel comfortable sharing. There’s no pressure to spill your story all at once — if fact, I would encourage you not to. But this longer amount of time allows us to explore where we might focus our work.
I believe therapists and clients co-create their time together. That means, while I am the professional, I don’t hold myself out to be the expert on you. I believe you are the expert on you; however, often we may be very removed or unfamiliar with what we need. We just know we need help. That’s why our time together is co-created. You and I work together to navigate what might be most helpful.
My stance is nonjudgmental and I do not hold you in contempt for choices you have made. I want to understand your goals and desires, to ensure we are caring for them and working towards them.
Therapy is hard work, as healing is hard work. But I also believe that therapy can be fun and playful. We may find ourselves laughing hysterically over something really fun, or sitting in a moment of grief as we acknowledge and process a deep loss you’ve experienced. Both are welcome and healing.
What are my therapy options?
Online therapy: Currently, I am doing online therapy for in-state Washington residents only. Online therapy is great as you:
- Get to do therapy from the comfort of your own home
- Schedule therapy at any time that fits your schedule
- Don’t have to commute
- Get to be in comfy clothes
- Have therapy anywhere there’s a cell phone or wifi connection and that’s private (including the privacy of your own car, if need be!)
You’ll need a stable wi-fi connection, headphones, computer or cell phone with a camera, and privacy.
In-person therapy: Available through intensive formats only. This is a great option for out-of-state residents who can travel to be in Washington state for a week while we work together. If you are interested in a week-long intensive, please email me and I can put you on the wait-list.
Equine-assisted psychotherapy (in person): equine-assisted psychotherapy is currently being offered in an intensive format only. If you are interested in this format, contact me and I can put you on the waitlist.
Do you have a waitlist?
Yes. If there are no openings that align with your schedule, please let me know and I would be happy to add you to the waitlist with specifics of certain times and days of the week that work best for you.
How long will I need to be in therapy?
I don’t believe we need to be in therapy forever. Many of my clients find that they’ve met their goals within 8-12 months and no longer need therapy.
My clients who do depth-oriented work have chosen to remain in therapy for much longer, as they have found understanding themselves and their story, the psycho-education, ongoing support and a place to process their thoughts and feelings each week as very helpful.
Can you work with clients anywhere in the country?
Therapists can only provide services in the states they are licensed. I am licensed in Washington state. You must live in Washington for us to work together in a therapeutic capacity.
Are there any risks with therapy?
Psychotherapy can have benefits and risks. The risks may include experiencing uncomfortable feelings like sadness, guilt, anger, anxiety, or frustration when discussing aspects of life. Psychotherapy has been shown to have benefits that can include better relationships, solutions to specific problems, increased life satisfaction, improved physical health, and significant reductions in feelings of distress. However, there are no guarantees as to what each client will experience.
What is your cancellation policy?
Because life can happen, if there are alternative openings within that same week as a possible reschedule, I will always offer that at no additional charge. If there are no additional openings, you are still responsible for the cancellation fee, which is the normal session fee.
What if I’m not ready to start therapy?
If you’re not ready to start therapy, I get it. I’ve been there. Our bodies are often met with resistance when we think about starting — therapy can be unknown and the unknown is always scary.
I have two different online courses that may be a great fit for you as you start your therapeutic journey. People who have purchased these courses have shared that they have found them very helpful as they paved the way to understand themselves and feel more prepared to start their own healing journey.
Each course is one hour and costs $99.
Here’s what to expect from each course:
Course #1: Why Conflict in Relationship Happens (aka: Why Understanding your Story and Upbringing Matters)
- Identify how and why our upbringing impacts the way we engage in conflict as an adult
- Feel more confident in your ability to engage conflict, care for your body’s dysregulation, and help engage relationship conflict differently
- Walk away with a better understanding of what happens in your body when you are triggered in conflict or get flooded when there’s tension within your own body.
Course #2: What’s Happening in my Body when I Experience Anxiety or Depression?
- Identify how anxiety or depression shows up in your body and why
- Learn to identify which part of the nervous is being activated and how to care for that part of the nervous system so it calms down (i.e, becomes regulated)
- Learn which parts of your brain are off line when you’re in flight/fight/freeze and how to get your brain back on line
- You will be given different techniques to get your brain back on line and your nervous system regulated
- Walk away with a better understanding of what happens in your body when you experience depression or anxiety
You do not have to be a Washington state resident in order to purchase these courses. They are available nationally and internationally.
Disclaimer: This course is not intended to replace or substitute mental health treatment. Instead, it is for informational purposes only.
Questions about private pay, insurance,
and out-of-network reimbursement
Do you accept insurance?
Like most specialty providers, I do not participate in any insurance plans. Paying out of pocket is a great option for people who want maximum privacy, confidentiality, and flexibility.
Being a private pay therapist means you will pay in full for our sessions at the time of service. However, depending on your insurance coverage, you may be able to receive 50-80% reimbursement.
What types of payments do you accept?
Why are you out-of-network?
Like most specialty providers, I do not participate in any insurance plans. Paying out-of-pocket is a great option for people who want maximum privacy, confidentiality, and flexibility.
Additionally, most insurance companies have made it incredibly problematic for therapists to be paneled. There are also restrictions for you, the patient. Insurance has many restrictions that limit who you can use as a therapist and the time you spend in therapy. They may stop coverage for a therapist and if so, the patient would need to find a new therapist with no notice. How awful to have established a safe relationship and then have it pulled out from underneath you by an insurance company.
Furthermore, insurance companies require a diagnosis, which permanently goes on your medical record. I don’t believe all issues should be diagnosed, let alone left on a medical record permanently.
Insurance companies do not reimburse therapists a reasonable living wage. It takes a massive amount of time, education, resources, and investment to become a fully licensed mental health therapist. Insurance companies undervalue the time, energy, and education as well as living wages for expensive cities such as Seattle and its surrounding suburbs. I believe in modeling work/life balance and understanding and respecting that massive amount of work that goes into being a therapist that a client can rely on, heal with, and achieve their goals.
What is a superbill?
A superbill is a form provided to you by the therapist. It lists your diagnosis, the dates of services and costs for each session that you have already paid for in full. It also identifies your name and address and that all reimbursements should go to you directly, as well as the therapist’s NPI (national provider identification number) and business number.
When can I expect a superbill?
Superbills are issued within the first ten days of a new month, covering the prior completed month. I send these out by request only. Please let me know if you need a superbill and I will add you to my list.
How much will I pay for therapy using out-of-network benefits?
Each health insurance company is different, as well as each plan within the company. Please use the network reimbursement calculator below to get an individualized estimate of what you expect to be your financial responsibility and what you can expect to be reimbursed.
If you have out-of-network benefits, they typically reimburse 50-80% of the cost of each session.
How do I actually use my out-of-network benefits?
Most insurance companies have you upload your monthly superbill online (it’ll be emailed to you within the first ten days of the month) and they will mail you a check with your reimbursement.
For better understanding of your specific benefits, it’s always a good idea to call the number on the back of your health insurance card listed under Member Services.
You can ask them the following questions:
- Do I have out-of-network outpatient mental health coverage?
- Am I able to use these benefits for tele-health?
- What percentage of outpatient psychotherapy sessions are covered per session?
- How much will I be reimbursed for a 45 min or 60 min psychotherapy session (CPT code: 90834 and 98037 respectively)?
- Does my insurance cover couples counseling?
- How do I submit claim forms for reimbursement?
- How long does it take for me to receive reimbursement?
How much does therapy cost?
There is an emotional cost as well as a cost in time. Therapy is an investment in yourself, one that will help you live a more healed, present life. It will also benefit all your loved ones you’re in a relationship with, as well as a more integrated and healed example for your kids.
The financial cost is listed below:
Video Consult: | 15 minutes | Free |
Individual Intake Session: | 60 minutes | $350.00 |
Couples Intake Session: | 60 minutes | $350.00 |
Individual 45 min session: | 45 minutes | $275.00 |
Couples 45 min session: | 45 minutes | $275.00 |
Individual 60 min session: | 60 minutes | $350.00 |
Couples 60 min session: | 60 minutes | $350.00 |
Questions about rates and sliding scales
What are your rates?
Fees with Tamasin Raiswell (Thomas), MA, LMHC, Therapist and Private Practice Owner:
Accepting new clients in Washington
Like most specialty providers, I do not participate in any insurance plans. Paying out of pocket is a great option for people who want maximum privacy, confidentiality, and flexibility.
Video Consult: | 15 minutes | Free |
Individual Intake Session: | 60 minutes | $350.00 |
Couples Intake Session: | 60 minutes | $350.00 |
Individual 45 min session: | 45 minutes | $275.00 |
Couples 45 min session: | 45 minutes | $275.00 |
Individual 60 min session: | 60 minutes | $350.00 |
Couples 60 min session: | 60 minutes | $350.00 |
Do you offer a sliding scale?
My sliding scale spots are reserved for A Home Within (AHW) orphans and foster care youth.
This non-profit partners with therapists who volunteer their services, free of charge, for as long as the patient requests them. Foster care youth includes orphans and any child that is currently in foster care or an adult who experienced time in the foster care system.
A Home Within is a nationwide non-profit. If you or someone you know is looking for affordable, good quality therapy and has a history of being a foster care youth, please reach out to AHW (
If you are a WA state resident and qualify for free therapy through AHW, please apply through the Seattle chapter and request Tamasin Thomas (Tamasin Raiswell) as your therapist.
If I’m unable to offer you a sliding scale spot, I’d be happy to offer referrals to trusted clinicians in the area.
There’s a great online resource,, if you’re hoping to find an in-network provider. You can look up the particular city you live in and find a therapist to work with that is networked with your insurance company, in person or virtual.
What if I can’t afford your rate?
I have two different online courses that may be a great fit for you as you start your therapeutic journey. People who have purchased these courses have found them very helpful as the courses paved the way to understand themselves and feel more prepared to start their own healing journey.
Each course is one hour and costs $99.
Here’s what to expect from each course:
Course #1: Why Conflict in Relationship Happens (aka: Why Understanding your Story and Upbringing Matters)
- Identify how and why our upbringing impacts the way we engage in conflict as an adult
- Feel more confident in your ability to engage conflict, care for your body’s dysregulation, and help engage relationship conflict differently
- Walk away with a better understanding of what happens in your body when you are triggered in conflict or get flooded when there’s tension within your own body or with someone else
Course #2: What’s Happening in my Body when I Experience Anxiety or Depression?
- Identify how anxiety or depression shows up in your body and why
- Learn to identify which parts of the nervous is being activated and how to care for that part of the nervous system so it calms down (i.e, becomes regulated)
- Learn which parts of your brain are offline when you’re in flight/fight/freeze and how to get your brain back on line
- You will be given different techniques to get your brain back on line and your nervous system regulated
- Walk away with a better understanding of what happens in your body when you experience depression or anxiety
You do not have to be a Washington state resident in order to purchase these courses. They are available nationally and internationally.
Disclaimer: This course is not intended to replace or substitute mental health treatment. Instead, it is for informational purposes only
If I’m unable to offer you a sliding scale spot, I’d be happy to offer referrals to trusted clinicians in the area.
There’s a great online resource,, if you’re hoping to find an in-network provider. You can look up the particular city you live in and find a therapist to work with that is networked with your insurance company, in person or virtual.

Copyright © 2014 – 2023. Thomas Counseling Intensives, PLLC. All Rights Reserved.